Sunday, June 10, 2012

Aubry Softball

This is Aubry's first year playing kid pitch for the recreation commission. Aubry does pretty good up at bat and she is great at shortstop in the field. Her team has gone up against many teams of different experience. I'm not a big fan of the more competitive teams because a couple of them have girls who are pitching very fast but with no control. It doesn't make me very happy when our girls get hit from a crazy pitch. It's one thing to get hit by a ball...but it's another to get hit by a ball going that fast. These girls aren't on a competitive I'm not real sure why we're playing teams who are...but that's juts the type of league that we have available to us...they have teams of all ranges in experience. Of course, I'm not a hardcore sports nut, either, so that might make a difference. 

I haven't been feeling well so far this summer but I did finally take some pictures at the girls' games last week. 

This was right after our team had been up at bat and Aubry had slid head first into home...the ornery grin on her face is because of the layer of dirt covering her front. She gets that ornery grin from her dad. :P 
The next picture cracks me up...she was trying to get the dust off and it was so cute. I was laughing so I didn't get a good picture of her coughing and laughing from all the dirt coming off her shirt. 
She gets the following expression on her face from me: 
Aubry is typically the one yelling how many are on base and where the force out is...she looks so adorable when she does it. And she can definitely carry her voice!
Warming up for her turn up next to how this picture turned out. 
Going back to second after a foul ball. 

Hopefully I'll get some more good pictures before the end of the season. 


  1. Also have I told you that I love your babies' names?? Cuz I do. :)

  2. Thanks! I am partial to them myself, but I'm probably biased since I named them myself. ;) lol
