1. Post these rules.
2. You must post 11 random things about yourself.
3. Answer the questions set for you in their post.
4. Create 11 new questions for the people you tag to answer.
5. Go to their blog and tell them you’ve tagged them.
6. No stuff in the tagging section about you are tagged if you are reading this. You legitimately have to tag 11 people.
1. When I start watching a new TV show...I have to start from the beginning of the series and watch them in order until I finally get caught up. I've done it with pretty much every show I watch: House, Smallville, CSI Miami, Greys Anatomy, Criminal Minds, Law & Order SVU, NCIS, etc. I do have a lot of favorite TV shows...but I don't have cable. :P
2. If I ever sit down to read a book...I generally have to read all the way through until I'm finished. If I pick it up, I don't want to put it down. I think that's why I don't really like a lot of long books. I don't read very often, either. I have too many other hobbies. :P
3. I'm OCD...typically with patterns and things being in "order." I don't always know what order something needs to be in, I just know it's out of order when it starts to bug me and I can't focus on anything else. If something is "off" it just bugs me until I can fix it.
4. I'm a very indecisive person.
5. I love quotes from movies, tv shows, and song lyrics.
6. I have really, really bad short-term memory. I used to have somewhat of a photographic memory but it's not as good now as it used to be, either.
7. I love lists!
8. I tend to talk first and think later. :P
9. My mom had two daughters and both of her daughters have two daughters.
10. Myself as well as both of my kids were born on an astrological cusp. And one of my daughters was born on the first day of summer and the other was born on the first day of fall. I think it's cool. :)
11. I love to travel...I don't get to do it nearly as often as I would like.
Questions from Erin:
1. What is your greatest accomplishment? - I would say going back and graduating from college because I know it's a big thing...but I really think my greatest accomplishment is my kids. I have some pretty amazing kids. And if I never do another thing in my life...I'd be satisfied with being the best mom I could. I'm not perfect...but I love my children something fierce and I try very hard to raise them to be good people and to do what's best for them.
2. If you had to wear just one color for the rest of your life, what color would it be? - I've been sitting here trying to decide on an answer. I even went and looked in my closet. :P 10 years ago I would have said navy blue. Through high school and the years after, I really loved the color navy blue. I still do...but I wear a lot of other colors now, too. One color I would NOT choose is purple. I actually don't have a single purple item in my closet.
3. What is something you've never done that you wish you could do? - Honestly, I would go to grad school. I really enjoy college...I love to learn. I've spent a lot of time lately looking at different online programs...but it's all so expensive! That's really the only thing that makes me hesitate.
4. If you were on death row and had to choose a last meal, what would that meal be? - Oh man! I think I'd want my own little buffet...just a little bit of everything. Steak, baked potato with lots of butter, a garden salad with ranch dressing, a hamburger and fries, french toast, my family's buttermilk pancakes...I could really go on and on. Unfortunately I can never eat a lot all at one sitting so I would want my last meal to last the entire day before execution. :P
5. What was your favorite childhood toy? - I really loved my Barbies. My mom built Barbie houses for us when I was a young and they were awesome. Actually...I think a picture would explain better:
6. Is there an item that you wish existed, that you'd invent if you only knew how? - I would invent a potion that would make me invisible. I'm a super nosy person and I would love to be the ultimate fly on the wall. Not practical at all but I think it would be fun. :P
7. If you could enter any TV show, movie or book, what would it be? - Hm. Actually I think Criminal Minds. In another life...I would have loved to work in the Behavioral Analysis Unit of the FBI. But...not this life. I'm pretty devoted to my kids.
8. What's your biggest pet peeve? - Oh my goodness...biggest? Hm. I really think bad drivers is my biggest. But I'm really annoyed by a lot of things.
9. Do you have any hueg fears (like my fear of the dark!)? What are they and how do they affect you? - I have an irrational fear (I guess fears are generally irrational anyway) of going to the dentist. I can handle pain pretty much anywhere...except my mouth. Unfortunately, I just have to go and deal with it. I do take anti-anxiety meds before I go to the dentist. Actually biggest fear is going completely blind. Everything I enjoy requires sight...the thought of losing it really scares me. So I just try not to think about it. :P
10. Do you have a nickname? What is it? (I really like this question!) - well Candi is my given name is Candace. My grandma always calls me Candace Dawn. In 6th grade I was given the nickname "tiny" during cheerleading and it kinda stuck. When I started getting online, I started using "tinycandi" and it's lasted quite awhile now.
11. Tell me about a defining moment in your life. - I really have a lot. Becoming a mother was the first big one, leaving my abusive husband was another, and overcoming depression (for the most part...sometimes I have hard days) after leaving my marriage. I think those three things combined really kinda "made" me who I am now. It was then that I truly grew up.
And my questions for anyone else who wants to play!
1. What has been your favorite vacation so far? What would be your dream vacation?
2. What is one of your bad habits?
3. What was your favorite movie as a child?
4. What kinds of things decorate the walls of your home?
5. What is your favorite scent?
6. What is your favorite room in your home?
7. What kind of cell phone do you have? If you have a smartphone, what are your favorite apps?
8. What is your favorite social networking type of site?
9. What was your favorite grade in school? Favorite class?
10. What is your dream job?
11. What is your favorite board game?
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