It feels so good to have everything sorted and put away. Everything has a home and it looks all neat and tidy. I am still working on getting the rod up to hang the girls' shirts. I have the brackets up but I'm getting the bar cut to size and everything. So it will be done this week. I may also need a few more drawers...but we'll have to wait and see how much room we have after the shirts are hung up.
The girls really like having their closet in there so far. They take their pajamas off, put them in the dirty clothes hamper (which is the stacking hamper on the right with three separate canvas bags) and put their clothes on for school. It's also MUCH easier when they're changing their clothes to go to their dad's house.
There are hampers on top of their drawers and they have play clothes/clothes they can wear to their dad's house. Before, I had them in the dresser that used to be in the laundry room...but the drawers were broken. So either a drawer would fall out, wouldn't close, or whatever...and the girls always ended up calling me in there to get their clothes (and then gripe about what I'd get). We definitely don't have that problem anymore, and it's great!
It's so much easier to do laundry, too! I was a load of laundry, take them out of the dryer, and then just fold and put them away right there. I have a hamper to put my clothes in since I still have to take them upstairs...but overall it's just SO much easier. I also don't wait until I have 10 loads of laundry to fold and put away, either. I would keep up washing and drying but actually putting them away...I always put it off. So this has really helped that bad habit of mine. :)
OH! And one of the best decisions...the tall set of four drawers were already in the laundry room. They used to have bags and purses and miscellaneous stuff in them. Now they have clothes that the girls will eventually wear but don't fit into yet. I'd been keeping them in under the bed organizers that were stacked in my room. But it wasn't convenient and I tended to just stack all the clothes on top instead of putting them away. And I didn't check them often enough to see when they'd fit. But now...clothes that I've gotten for Aubry that she can't wear yet are in the top drawer...then the next two drawers have tops and bottoms that Aubry has outgrown but Ashlyn will eventually wear. When something doesn't fit...Aubry can just fold it and put it in the drawer instead of throwing it on her floor for me to eventually put it on top of the pile and maybe someday put in the plastic bin. :P I'm really excited about that part!
My goal is to get the whole house organized. The house looks a bit chaotic in the process and it seems to be a lot of work...but I think it's worth it in the end. My hope is that it will make things easier in the long run. If everything has a *convenient* home, it will be easy to put away and keep everything moving smoothly. I get excited about things like organization. ;) And it has really become my "theme" this year.
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