Wednesday, April 4, 2012

WWTK - Week 51

Hosted by Mamarazzi, Queso and Crazymama

{1} What is your favorite Easter tradition? - Making sugar eggs! It's something that my grandma did with my generation when we were younger and now my mom does it with my kids. Here are two of my favorite pictures of my girls with their eggs (in 2007):

{2} Tell us about your Easter meal. - We have Easter at my grandparents' house every year and I'm not in charge of the menu at all whatsoever. I think we usually have ham, though. Oh and I think brisket (which I really like...since I don't like ham).
{3} Do you decorate for Easter? - We tend to make Easter decorations more than we actually decorate for Easter. So whatever the girls' craft projects happen to be...that's usually the only stuff we have out.
{4} Your Easter basket is not complete without.... - I honestly don't know. I kinda just "go with it" and see what I can find that the girls will like. There usually isn't a whole lot of candy...but I tend to get them one chocolate something. I'm not a big chocolate fan...but they like it. ;)
{5} Are you getting an Easter dress? - For me? Goodness, no. I haven't really gotten Easter dresses for my kids in a year or two. I haven't figured out what they're going to wear yet...I should probably do that!


  1. You made those eggs? They look so cute! That's something I think my kids would like to do... would you consider posting a tutorial? 

  2. I will definitely try to get a tutorial written up for them! They really are a lot of fun. :)
    Thanks for stopping by! 

  3. I have never made a sugar egg before.  They are pretty!  Linking from Mamarazzi's.

    Ricki Jill
