Wednesday, April 11, 2012

WWTK - Week 52

Hosted by Mamarazzi, Queso and Crazymama I haven't blogged at all since my last WWTK. Things have been SUPER busy around here. Craziness. Hopefully I'll have some more time to sit down and blog later this week. But here are my IF answers for WWTK this week:

{one} If you had to be trapped in a TV show for a month, which show would you choose? - Hm. I think I will go with Criminal Minds. I would want to be a profiler. In another life (where I was single and without kids and could move to Quantico) the FBI is what I would have chosen for my career path. That's what I wanted to be back when I was in 6th grade. So yeah...working in the BAU on Criminal Minds. Or maybe a love interest for Rossi. ;)
{two} If you could be guaranteed one thing in life besides money, what would you ask for? - Oh that's easy: happiness for my children.
{three} If you had to name the most terrifying event in your life thus far, what would it be? - Another easy one: when my 3 week old baby aspirated and stopped breathing...she was rushed to the hospital by ambulance and in the ICU. I hope I never again have to face something that scary in my life. It's unbearable.
{four} If you could possess one supernatural ability, what would it be? - Ooh another easy one: invisibility! I'm nosy so I would love to be the ultimate fly on the wall. ;)
{five} If you could "uninvent" one thing in the world , so that it would no longer exist, what would you choose? - Hmm. Stupid stereo systems in cars that are way too loud. That's a pet peeve I have. I shouldn't be able to hear the car down the block from inside my apartment. UGH.

FUN questions!


  1. I'm with you on the over loud stereos in cars.  I used to hate when they made our windows rattle.  New windows stopped that one, but the thump of the base is so annoying.

    1. I live in a small town...and it seems like no matter where you are in town, you can still hear the stereos. Drives me crazy!

  2. Great answers. Your baby aspirating is super scary.

    I don't love loud stereos.

    Invisibility. Good answer.

  3. LOL I thought about invisibility!  :D  Great answers, and I know that was difficult for you...what you went through with your baby.

    Linking from Mamarazzi's
    Ricki Jill

    1. was SO hard watching my baby struggle to breathe. You just feel absolutely helpless and SO scared. Thank you for stopping by!

  4. Wow, I agree with all your answers, except that I wouldn't want to be in the FBI. things with our kids are the most important things in the world. I abhor loud stereo systems, especially at night, and I would make a great invisible person!!

    1. Ahh...the FBI would be fun! ;) Being invisible in the that would be even better! lol.
      Thanks for stopping by!

  5. invisibility good could get in all of the places that are "members only" and decode if it is worth the fuss of joining. 

  6. O my word, I can imagine how scary it must have been when your baby stopped breathing.
    I was also thinking about invisibility .... could be very handy!

  7. Hi! Newest follower here. Your daughters are so cute!
    I've never seen Criminal Minds but I often hear people talking about that show. I bet I'd like it. I actually interviewed for a job with the CIA when I was in my early 20s!
    Happiness for your kids is the best thing to wish for!

  8. Okay, so basically you are me only a little opposite. My kids are boys and almost the same age. :)
    Anyway, and so I can't remember what the heck I was gonna say. LOL
    OH! I got it. I put MS for the one answer but really that's not it. And I realized after I posted and it needs a post in itself!

  9. Thanks for stopping by! I really like Criminal Minds. It's a little more dark than other crime procedurals but I think it's so interesting. And how cool that you interviewed for a CIA job?! 

    Thanks for the follow! :)

  10. It was very scary! I could just sit there and watch...I was paralyzed with fear...couldn't even remember simple answers to my name and birthdate. SO scary. 
    Thank you for stopping by! 

  11. Yeah, exactly! I could have so much fun with it! could find out what people REALLY say when they think you're not around. ;) 
    Thanks for stopping by! 

  12. Invisibility would be just so much fun...I wouldn't be able to turn that down if ever offered to me. And was very hard to watch my baby suffer like that. It's such a desperate feeling...wanting to make her okay. But she's now a happy and healthy 7 year old who has no idea the scary day her mama had! 
    Thank you for stopping by!! 

  13. Ohhhh....they just drive me crazy! The last week a teenage neighbor has been sitting in the vehicle just blaring the stereo forever. UGH. And on top of that...across the street the dog started barking for an hour at a time through the afternoon. NOT fun. I'd wear earplugs if it didn't magnify my breathing and heartbeat! :P 
    Thanks for stopping by! 

  14. We have a lot in common! I think we rock! ;) 
    I had started to write about the time I was in the hospital and the meds they'd given me made me very ill and I couldn't breathe and I was just sure I was going to die before someone came to help me (it was after the spinal headache from the lumbar puncture). I was writing it out but then I remembered what happened with takes the cake for me. 
    I liked your answers. :D 

    Thanks for stopping by hun! And I'm responding to your email right now. :)
