Wednesday, February 22, 2012

WWTK - Week 45!

Hosted by Mamarazzi, Queso and Crazymama


{1} What is your go to color if you paint your nails? do your toes and fingernails match? I used to paint my nails all the time when I was in high school and I loved painting them silver. I honestly don't remember the last time I painted my nails...and definitely don't remember the color. But I painted my girls' nails a bright pinkish color not too long ago. :) And I rarely ever paint my toenails...I'm just not crazy about feet. :P

{2} Have you ever gone for a mani/pedi? how often do you go? I only get a mani for special occasions like mine and my sister's weddings and prom back in high school. I have gotten a pedi twice in my sister's wedding and an outing with my friend about a year after that. Hm. I'm kinda low-maintenance.

{3} Do you color your hair? do you have a salon do it or do you do it yourself? I've never done it myself but I've gotten it colored at the salon. The first time I ever colored my hair at all was back in 2006 and the stylist wanted to add blonde highlights because she'd never met someone who had never colored their hair before and she offered me a huge discount to let her do it. LOL. The last 3 years or so, I've gotten it colored about twice a year: darker in the winter (usually an auburn-ish color) and then add blonde in the summer. I really love the darker color but my mom and grandparents always tell me how much they miss my blonde. I used to be really light blonde as a kid but it's gotten darker as I've gotten older anyway...and I think I look better with darker hair.

{4} Facials...have you ever had one? Nope...never had one.

{5} Would you or have you ever done botox? I haven't and probably wouldn't. I'm just a really low-maintenance kind of chick...and by low-maintenance I mostly mean "lazy." ;)

{6} Beauty knows no pain, do you believe in waxing, electrolisis, eyelash extentions, anti-aging creams, micro-dermabrasion, peels, botox? I'm just too lazy to do much of anything with myself. Coloring my hair was like HUGE for me. I don't even get my haircut but maybe once a year. Now, boob job...that I could get on board with. ;)


  1. boob job! Ha! love it.

    i totally do my toes over my fingernails BUT i think it depends on where you live, i live in AZ and it's flip flop weather year round for me.

    thanks for linking up! fun answers.

  2. I love the idea of a silver nail, it sounds very cool! I've never had a facial either, but after reading so many people's answers about how great they are, I'm starting to think I'd like to try it.

  3. LOL at by low maintenance meaning lazy, so funny!!

    thanks so much for linking up, i really enjoyed your answers!!

  4. Ahhh...yeah people rarely see my feet so I don't do much with my toes. Thanks for the comment love! :) 

  5. I'm thinking maybe I should get a facial sometime too...just to say I've done it and see what it's like. Thanks for stopping by! :) 

  6. Thanks for stopping by! And I'm glad you appreciated my "lazy" ;) It's definitely the truth, though! My sister on the other hand...she's the complete opposite. It's funny how two parents can have two completely opposite children. :) 
