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Happily married mama of 2 adult daughters, 2 golden retrievers, and 3 tabby cats. I am a small business owner running an arts and crafts shop and loving it!
Aubry is my soft-hearted firstborn. She's a sweet and loving girl who lights up the day of everyone she meets. She's a daddy girl and takes after him in a lot of ways. Some of Aubry's favorite things: school, sports, friends, being outside, drawing, country music, board games, animals (especially horses), making cards for people, etc.
Ashlyn is my independent and strong-willed youngest child. She has a wonderful imagination and says the funniest stuff. She is a mama's girl and like me in a lot of ways. Ashlyn loves: singing, dancing, cooking, writing, coloring, playing pretend, Barbies, horses, riding her bike, etc.
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