Hosted by Mamarazzi, Queso and Crazymama
{1} How many phones do you have in your household? (cell, smart, land lines) - I have my cell phone (smartphone) and that's the only working phone we have. We have some old cell phones running around that the girls like to play with.
{2} Are you brand loyal? (Apple or Android or something else?) I'm not as much brand loyal as I am ANTI-Apple.
{3} Would you rather talk on the phone, text or email? - Text, definitely. I'm not big on talking on the phone.
{4} What do you think of Video chat? what do you use? (skype, facetime? google talk?) - I've never actually done it. Too much like talking on the phone...but in person. :P
Fulfilled Mommy wants to know:
{5}What is your favorite gadget? (Tablet, cell phone, etc.) - I really, really love my new phone (HTC Rezound).
{6} If you had to pick just one technological gadget, (computer, cell phone, smart phone, tablet)and it was the only one you could use for a year, which would you pick? explain why. - Hmm. Well...I really, really love my new phone...but I think I'm going to have to go with my laptop. I use it more.
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