Hosted by Mamarazzi, Queso and Crazymama
{1} What is something that you currently spend money on that you consider a splurge or frivolous? - When I have some extra money, I've been buying things for our home. Lately I've gotten a lot of organization things. It helps out a lot, though. I usually don't spent a lot on things we don't need.
{2} Tell us about your first paying job. How old were you? - I was about a month before my 16th birthday and I started working at the nursing home down the street from my house. I started as an RSA (Residential Service Assistant) who basically just hung out with the old people and got things they needed. In October I started CNA training and passed my state boards and started working as a CNA. The money wasn't too bad for a 16 year old but I hated the job. I wasn't good at lifting people back then because I'm pretty I always had to find someone to help me and it annoyed my coworkers. And one of my coworkers was my boyfriend at the time and he was a jerk. Oh...and he was cheating on me with one of our coworkers. So then I started working with my EXboyfriend, and I quit my job a month later. :P
{3} Do you plan date nights and extras into a monthly/weekly budget? - I usually try to find things that aren't very expensive. For example, going places like the zoo and children's museum are cheap for us because I get family passes for my birthday and Christmas. But we splurge maybe once a month or so...and I do have that worked into my budget.
{4} Share one of your money saving tips with us. - Honestly, I just don't spend a lot on things we don't need. I also take advantage of buying cheaper online and with I have a student prime membership which has free 2-day shipping.
And finally, Christine wants to know: {5} If you won the lottery - would you spend it frivolously or use what you need and save the rest? Why? - I would probably spend a little frivolously (would definitely take my family on a nice vacation!) but the rest I would save.
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