Friday, March 9, 2012

I confess...


I confess...
I finally did my dishes...first thing this morning!
I hate washing dishes. :P My apartment needs a dishwasher.

I confess...
I got my internet set up in my apartment today. I'm totally rocking a passive aggressive network name...since XH is my neighbor. Sometimes I'm petty and immature. ;)

I confess...
Doug Hutchison really creeps me out. His "wife" really grosses me out. I'm watching old episodes of CSI Miami and he was in one of them. :shudder:

I confess...
I'm pretty grumpy today. I didn't get a lot of sleep last night. EVERYTHING annoys me today.

I confess...
I can't wait for my girls to come home today. :) We're going over to my grandparents' house to show off Ashlyn's new glasses. She is SO excited. She's so excited that she's excited to have her eyeglass cleaner in her bag. I think that's just absolutely adorable.

I confess...
I need to get back on my organizing kick...I felt much more productive. I think my next project will be to rearrange my room. I want to get it done before the next people move into the apartment right next to me (I'm really sad that my previous neighbor moved...but she moved right across the street so that's nice).

I confess...
I need to get back to work on these pictures of my niece...


  1. It is very nice to meet you!  
    I am 46 and still trying to figure out what is next:)  I am the mother of 5 adult children.  I can't believe it.  My baby turned 18 in Jan.  Life has been an adventure for us.  One day at a time.  I am sooo extremely blessed to have the best children in the whole wide world.  I am sorry to burst your bubble :)  But it looks like Aubry would fit right into our family because we love horses and sports too. Oh boy and Ashlyn sounds just like my youngest. :)  It is amazing the qualities that each child is given them to help them survive this life.  My youngest was 5 mo. old when her 4 year old sister was diagnosed with leukemia.  They both learned to be survivors.  Give your girls a hug and have a GREAT Day!!  Sincerely, Trina

  2. Thank you for stopping by and introducing yourself! :) I hope you have a great day as well...and a great weekend! 

  3. i am pretty sure i could never live without a dishwasher. i run it every night before bed and empty it every morning before i do anything else.

    you live next door to your ex? wowzer, how is that working for ya? i imagine it would be good for the kids...but i would always feel like he was watching me...or whatever.

    thanks for linking up your confessions i hope your weekend is fabulous!!

  4. ex has lived right across the street for about a year. It's convenient because the girls can just walk back and forth when it's time to come/go between our houses...but *I* really hate it. Not to mention he is a HORRIBLE neighbor in general...the kind who has loud parties and let's mine and his girlfriend's kids stay out until 1am yelling and screaming and being loud while he's in the house with his girlfriend. UGH. 

    Thank's for stopping by and leaving a comment! :) 
