2. Had lunch today at the Dillon's Bistro...we went with Chinese. If the Dillons that I usually go to has Teriyaki chicken, I've never had it. But that's what I had today and it was really good! A little messy...but it tasted good. :)
3. I think it's really, really cute that Ashlyn always calls her hands her "paws."
4. Aubry is growing up way too fast. She is already starting to get that teenager attitude going. I thought I would have a few years more with my sweet baby girl before heading into that stage of her life. :P
5. My super awesome friend, Kelli, gave me two boxes of girl scout cookies. I just finished the box of Peanut Butter Patties and I'm trying really, really hard not to devour the box of Lemonades all in one sitting. :P
6. We have had some pretty crazy weather here lately. I've really liked the warm days. Early this morning we had a thunderstorm with lots of sleet and some snow. I like thunderstorms...minus the cold weather. :P
7. I've been really enjoying the website sneakpeeq.
8. I wish we had more than one company in this area that provides phone, cable, and internet service.
9. I wish my tv shows were new this week! It seems like every show I like except Once Upon a Time and CSI Miami was a rerun. Booo.
10. I've been on a CSI Miami kick lately. Walter and Tripp are my favorites. In recent years I really like Ryan, too. I really like when Yelina makes an appearance, too. I wonder if they will ever bring back Suzie and Madison?
11. I'm still working on trying to finish all these pictures I've taken lately. I did get a lot of cute ones, though. Here's one of my favorites that I took of my newest niece:
I have nicknamed her Bebe...because that's what it sounds like when her big sister (who I nicknamed Bug) says "baby."
12. I also need to catch up on posting my 366 day photo project pictures. I have been taking them everyday...just not always good about posting them in a very timely manner. I think I did better when I was doing the 366 days of self-portraits because I had joined the flickr group and had a time limit of when they could be posted to the group. But I haven't used flickr in a long time.
13. I have a headache and I would really like to go to bed...but I have vertigo and it really doesn't get that bad until I lay down. So...hopefully the medicine will kick in and I can get some sleep.
And one more final thought...I'm not sure why I keep adding the label "meme" to my posts since it seems almost every single post has been a meme of some kind. :P
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