Friday, March 30, 2012

Friday Confessional


I confess....

The last three or four nights I've gone to bed around 10pm and woke up around 1am. Then I usually can't get back to sleep until like 4am. I am getting sleepy so I'll try to go back to bed after I'm done with this.

I confess....

I turned on my AC for the first time this year. Wednesday night I kept waking up in a sweat and the girls were both getting warm this evening. The weather has been in the 80s quite a bit this week. So I turned it on. Feels nice! And it's not as humid in my apartment now, either.

I confess....

I made dinner for my kids last night...but I really wasn't very hungry. I ended up eating a cheese sandwich and a handful of honey roasted peanuts. I've been having stomach problems again lately and it's no fun. :(

I confess...

Right now all I can think about is going back to bed so I'm out of confessions! Goodnight all!


  1. Hopefully the sleep sorts itself out. I constantly find myself looking at the baby sound asleep at 3am and thinking 'why am I still awake?' but I just can't drop off!
    Hope you're feeling better soon.
    Have a good weekend!

  2. We turned our A/C on for the first time in months last week. I hate to do it but then again, I DO live in Florida.

  3. I hope your sleep gets back on track. I do this sometimes and I don't get why!

  4. I had to turn on our AC this week too. It makes me sick that it's only March and I've had to turn it on already lol!

  5. I have had to resort to Melatonin to be able to go back to sleep in the middle of the night.  I don't know what it is about 2:30 am, but it loves my company.

  6. I've going to bed around 9 p.m. and waking up at around midnight.  It's awful.  I'm with you though.  I try to go back to sleep.

  7. I have to use a sleeping aid.  I use MidNite.  Works like a charm.  Perimenopause!  Newest follower from the Mamarazzi hop!

  8. I have not been liking our weather lately it's hot then cold and hot then cold....turning on the air conditioner then the heat...I just want it to be one temperature! Maybe I should move to california?!

  9. I've always wanted to move to California...but I'm also too poor to live in California. :P I love it there, though! I'm with you on the crazy hot/cold weather. I just want it to be 70s year round. I'd be good with that! Thanks for stopping by! 

  10. Hey! Thanks for stopping by! I haven't heard of that one...I'll have to look into it. I have some medicine that makes me sleepy...but when I take it, I sleep hard and then I'm tiiiired the whole next day. So I try to avoid it if I can. But maybe I can find something else that works for me. Thanks again for following along! :)

  11. I just hate that I try to go to bed early...but I still don't get more sleep than if I would have stayed up late. :P Thanks for stopping by! 

  12. My neighbor keeps telling me about Melatonin. I think I'm going to have to look into it. Maybe it will help. Because yeah...I don't like meeting 1am all the time. :P Thanks for stopping by! 

  13. I agree completely! It would be nice, though, if the whole summer was like what we have now. So far it hasn't gotten up to 90 degrees yet and I can handle the 80s, although 70s would be a lot better. ;) Thanks for stopping by! 

  14. Thanks hun! Maybe I should start running...wear myself out so I can sleep. ;) I'll have to think about that though...I'm not sure I'm as brave as you are! Have a great weekend hun! Thanks for stopping by! 

  15. Oh yeah...I'm sure being in Florida makes a difference! I'm in KS and it hasn't been TOO bad but the humidity in my apartment was really driving me crazy. Thanks for stopping by! 

  16. I do the same thing! It'll be quiet and everyone will be asleep...and I'm wide awake. :P I hope your weekend is good, too! Thanks for stopping by! 

  17. Just Another Blogger MomMarch 30, 2012 at 8:42 PM

    aww hopefully your sleeping schedule gets all sorted out soon!  I have been dealing with insomnia lately!  I am exhausted yet can't fall asleep until like 2am, I just lay there looking at the ceiling...of course my husband being out of town doesn't help!

  18. Just Another Blogger MomMarch 30, 2012 at 8:43 PM

    new follower from mamarazzi btw =)

  19. Hey! :) Thanks for following along! I do the exact same thing with the insomnia. It seems like I either can't fall asleep until 2am...or I go to bed early and then wake up around that time and can't get back to sleep. :P Can't win either way! Hopefully we'll both be able to have better sleep patterns soon!

  20. Your nights sound like mine! It's miserable and there's nothing I can take for it. :(. The weather has been fabulous, hasn't it? I flipped on the ac too. I like it cold at night and with all the sleep difficulties I have I figure I can at least be a little more comfortable now. Hope you got some sleep!!
